주한미국대사관 주관 학생 행사 안내(Town Hall Meeting)
주한미국대사관 주관으로 한미 관계에 대한 온라인 학생토론 행사가 아래와 같이 개최되어 안내드리오니 관심있는 학생들은 참고 부탁드립니다.
가. 행 사 명: Town Hall Meeting - Z세대가 생각하는 한-미 관계에 대하여
나. 개최일시: 2021년 12월 28일 화요일, 오후 2시
다. 개최방식: 온라인 (ZOOM) * 참가자 대상 접속링크 추후 안내될 예정
라. 등록방법: 온라인 등록 (링크: http://bit.ly/SeoulPDTownhall)
마. 문 의 처: SeoulPDTownhall@state.gov
US Embassy in the Republic of Korea is holding a Town Hall Meeting for SNU students and American students currently studying in Korea.
Prof. Kuyeon Chung from the International Policy Studies Institute will be present to discuss about the current public opinion and the future of the KOR-US relationship. The discussion will be done in Korean, but if needed, Korean - English simultaneous interpretation can be provided. For those who are interested, please register through the link below.
○ Date/Time: Tuesday, Dec 28th, 2021, at 2 p.m.
○ Theme: How generation Z looks at the current KOR-US relationship
○ Venue: Zoom (connection link will be provided for registered participants later)
○ Registration Link: http://bit.ly/SeoulPDTownhall
○ For Further Inquiries: please send an email to SeoulPDTownhall@state.gov
붙임 1. 행사 포스터 1부.
2. 홍보문구 (국/영문) 1부
가. 행 사 명: Town Hall Meeting - Z세대가 생각하는 한-미 관계에 대하여
나. 개최일시: 2021년 12월 28일 화요일, 오후 2시
다. 개최방식: 온라인 (ZOOM) * 참가자 대상 접속링크 추후 안내될 예정
라. 등록방법: 온라인 등록 (링크: http://bit.ly/SeoulPDTownhall)
마. 문 의 처: SeoulPDTownhall@state.gov
US Embassy in the Republic of Korea is holding a Town Hall Meeting for SNU students and American students currently studying in Korea.
Prof. Kuyeon Chung from the International Policy Studies Institute will be present to discuss about the current public opinion and the future of the KOR-US relationship. The discussion will be done in Korean, but if needed, Korean - English simultaneous interpretation can be provided. For those who are interested, please register through the link below.
○ Date/Time: Tuesday, Dec 28th, 2021, at 2 p.m.
○ Theme: How generation Z looks at the current KOR-US relationship
○ Venue: Zoom (connection link will be provided for registered participants later)
○ Registration Link: http://bit.ly/SeoulPDTownhall
○ For Further Inquiries: please send an email to SeoulPDTownhall@state.gov
붙임 1. 행사 포스터 1부.
2. 홍보문구 (국/영문) 1부