

(3/13 11:10 업데이트) [필독] 2020학년도 1학기 수업 운영 안내 (비대면 수업 운영) [MUST READ] Non-face-to-face Class Operations ag


코로나바이러스감염증-19의 확산으로 2020학년도 1학기 개강 이후 비대면 수업(3월 16일(월)~3월 29일(일))을 진행합니다.
비대면 수업 운영 방식은 아래와 같으며, 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

교과목별 수업 운영 사항은 수업별 eTL(http://etl.snu.ac.kr/) 공지를 참고하시기 바랍니다

가. 개강일 및 종강일: 2020.3.16.(월) ~ 2020.6.19.(금)
     [총 14주 수업 운영, 학점당 이수시간은 15시간]

나. 수업시작일 후 수업진행: 비대면 수업 3월 16일(월)~3월 29일(일)
   - 3월 30일(월) 이후에도 코로나19 종식 시까지 비대면 수업 실시가 연장될 수 있음

   - 비대면 수업 실시 기간에는 다른 활동들도 최대한 자제할 것을 권고

   - 비대면 수업은 실시간 온라인강의, eTL을 활용한 동영상 강의 제공, 과제물활용수업 등으로 진행

다. 비대면 수업 방법
❍ 온라인수업

  - 동시간 온라인 강의(ZOOM등 화상회의시스템 활용), eTL을 통해 동영상 녹화 제공, 서울대온라인강좌(SNUON)와 K-MOOC 활용

❍ 과제물 부여와 토론을 이용한 수업

  - eTL 강의실에 과제물 등록, eTL을 활용한 질의, 응답을 통한 토론식 수업 

❍ 출석

   1) 동시간 온라인 강의: eTL에서 출석 확인 가능(ZOOM을 활용한 화상수업 화면에서도 출석인정 가능)

   2) eTL 사이트 활용 수업: eTL에서 출석 확인 가능(수업 녹화, SNUON, 서울대 K-MOOC은 eTL 강의실 수업 주에서 수강 가능)

   3) 다른 대학 K-MOOC: 수강하고 입증 서류를 교원에게 제출하면 인정

❍ 시험: 시험 실시는 교수가 별도로 공지하여 모여서 실시

❍ 온라인 수업 방법


붙임 1. 코로나19_확산_대비_수업_운영_방안(학생) 1부.
       2. ZOOM 상세 사용법 학생용 PC 및 모바일버전 매뉴얼 각 1부.

       3. 수업운영안내 영문(학생) 1부.  끝


The Class Operations against COVID-19 Infection (non-face to face)

1. Academic Schedule 

A. Semester Dates: Monday, March 16 – Friday, June 19  [14 weeks; 15 lecture hours per credit]
B. In-class activities are suspended and non-face-to-face classes will be held until Sunday, March 29, 2020, and it may be extended depending on the COVID-19 situation. During this period, SNU strongly recommends all members to refrain from coming to school or conducting any other types of group activities.

C. Non-face-to-face classes can be held as follows: 

a. Real-time online lecture;
b. Video-recorded lecture provided through eTL;

c. Assignment and debate; etc. 

2. Substitute Courses for Chinese Students Currently Overseas (who have not entered Korea due to the current travel restrictions) 

- Under the SNU instructor’s approval, Chinese students currently overseas (restricted entry to Korea) may take Korea National Open University (KNOU)’s undergraduate courses. 

a. SNU is currently checking the list of substitute courses available with the instructors.
b. When the list is confirmed, SNU will contact the corresponding Chinese students to see if they are willing to take the alternative course during their overseas sojourn period.

c. When students wish to apply for the substitute courses, SNU will arrange and assign them with ID and password used for KNOU courses.

d. Exams and grading will be assigned by the SNU instructor. 

3. Course Override Instruction 

A. Course Change Period: Monday, March 9 – Friday, March 20
B. Course Override Instruction (Non-face-to-face) 

a. Student contacts instructor to ask for an approval through e-mail → Student submit the override form with its proof on approval (e-mail, messenger, etc.) to department office that opens the course on a non-face-to-face basis. 

or b. Student contacts instructor to ask for an approval through e-mail (online) → Instructor selects the finalists → Instructor forwards the list to the department office. 

* Course override instruction may vary by course, so please check with each department office in advance.  

4. Non-face-to-face Class Operations

A. Class Dates: Monday, March 16 – Friday, June 19
B. Types of Non-face-to-face Classes

a. Real-time online lecture (through conference call/video call softwares, such as ZOOM)

b. Video-recorded lecture (through eTL) 

c. Preexisting SNU online lecture (SNUON) and K-MOOC

d. Class with assignments and debates (through eTL)

C. Attendance  

a. (Real-time online lecture) Attendance can be checked through eTL or ZOOM.
b. (Video-recorded lecture (including recorded lectures of the instructor, SNUON, SNU K-MOOC resources)) Attendance can be checked through eTL. 

c. (K-MOOC resources of other universities) Proof of course completion should be submitted to the instructor. 

D. Exam: Instructor notifies students of the exam schedule; exams must be held when students gather in one place.  

E. Policies for COVID-19-affected Students
a. Students who cannot participate in face-to-face classes (students currently overseas, COVID-19-confired patients, and self-quarantine students) can complete the course and exam through online. However, these students must in advance contact the instructors to discuss its specifics.

b. Chinese students currently staying overseas (restricted entry to Korea) can take Korea National Open University (KNOU)’s online courses, which will be credit-transferred. (Details TBA to individuals)  

* Online Lecture Instruction














Real-time Online Lecture



ZOOM (which must be installed in advance); Instructor uploads or sends out the URL to students.



Exams are to be conducted offline;


Final exam is mandatory;


Midterms can be replaced at the instructors’ discretion.



When accessing the URL, students are required to enter their name to claim their attendance;


When you enter through eTL, attendance will be confirmed through eTL.










Students follow video-recorded lectures through eTL classroom on a weekly basis.



These lectures are to be recorded by each instructor.














Other Universities’ K-MOOC



Students access the K-MOOC website to take the course that was appointed by the instructor and submit the progress report to the instructor (or TA).



Students must check the total number of completed hours, which will be used to acknowledge the class time.



a. Real-time online lectures will be given at the class time on the course timetable, and students must enter the system (ZOOM) on time for the same dates and time shown in the timetable; otherwise, it will lead to class absence.

b. For eTL lectures, class attendance is acknowledged when students complete each weekly video; additional assignments may be given during the semester. 

c. For K-MOOC courses, students must take the course that was appointed by the instructor. 

Class with Assignments and Discussions Instruction  

- Assignment or debate notice will be notified through eTL, and class attendance can be acknowledged when students participate in the activity.