[대학원] 논문제출자격시험 한국어시험 기출문제 알림
외국인 학생의 경우, 대학원 논문제출자격시험 중 외국어 시험으로 영어 혹은 한국어 시험을 응시해야 합니다. 영어를 모국어, 공용어, 공식어로 사용하는 국적을 가진 외국인의 경우는 영어가 아닌 한국어 시험을 응시해야 합니다. 이에 한국어 시험 기출문제를 첨부파일과 같이 공유하니 응시를 위해 참고 바랍니다.
For those who are international students and going to graduate our department, you need to take the Thesis Submission Exam consisting of Major and Language sections if you have not taken a substitute course before completing courses. About the language section, you have to take either English or Korean Proficiency tests. Please find the attached for the Korean Proficiency tests.
* Language section*
English proficiency test is Mandatory, but If a student’s mother language is *English (either as a
common official language or an official language), he or she must take Korean Proficiency test.
* ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY : Nigeria, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Rwanda, USA,
Sudan, United Kingdom, Canada, Kenya, Tanzania
* Language section*
English proficiency test is Mandatory, but If a student’s mother language is *English (either as a
common official language or an official language), he or she must take Korean Proficiency test.
* ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY : Nigeria, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Rwanda, USA,
Sudan, United Kingdom, Canada, Kenya, Tanzania