

2016학년도 2학기 동역학 강좌 초안지 안내
2016 2nd Semester Dynamics Lecture Course Registration Override Form (초안지, Choanji) Announcement


M2794.001200 동역학 초안지를 강좌당 20명 내외로(우선순위 순) 교수님께서 받으실 예정이오니

초안지 신청자는 강의 첫날 해당강좌 강의실로 가셔서 확인 받으시기 바랍니다.


* M2794.001200 (001강좌) 동역학 (주담당교수 박종우)

301 204, 9 1일 목(11:00~12:15)


* M2794.001200 (002강좌) 동역학 (주담당교수 조규진)

301 105, 9 1일 목(11:00~12:15)


<참고: 우선순위>

1. 기계공학전공 2학년 초수강생, 기계항공공학전공 2학년 초수강생, 자유전공 초수강생(기계공학전공, 기계항공학전공자), 다전공 초수강생(기계공학전공, 기계항공학전공자)

2. 3학년이상 기계공학전공 초수강생, 기계항공공학전공 초수강생

3. 재수강생


The professors below are willing to accept up to 20 override forms (초안지, Choanji) for each Dynamics (M2794.001200) course listed in a priority order listed below.

Interested students are to bring the form to the appropriate lecture halls/classrooms on the first day of the lecture and receive the signatures. 

* M2794.001200 (Lecture 001) Dynamics (Professor Frank Chongwoo Park)

301-204, 1st Sep Thur (11:00 ~ 12:15)

* M2794.001200 (Lecture 002) Dynamics (Professor Kyu Jin Cho)

301-105, 1st Sep Thur (11:00 ~ 12:15)


1. 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering students taking the course for the first time,

2nd Year Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Students taking the course for the first time,

Liberal Arts Students taking the course for the first time (Mechanical Engineering Major, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Major),

Multi-Major Students taking the course for the first time (Mechanical Engineering Major, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Major).

2. 3rd Year and Above Mechanical Engineering Students taking the course for the first time, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Students taking the course for the first time.

3. Students retaking the course.