2012 유네스코 국제청년포럼 외국인 참가자 모집에 따른 홍보 협조 요청
유네스코한국위원회에서는 청년의 역할과 활동에 초점을 둔 역사 대화를 진행함으로써 미래세대를 위한 동아시아 평화 공존에 기여하고자 유네스코 국제청년포럼 "청년역사대화: 국경을 넘는 역사 인식과 동아시아 역사화해"를 개최할 예정이라 합니다.
이와 관련 참가자를 아래와 같이 모집한다 하오니 외국인 유학생들의 많은 참가 바랍니다.
- 아 래 -
가. 행사개요
1) 주 제: 청년역사대화 국경을 넘는 역사인식과 동아시아 역사화해
2) 기 간: 2012.08.20.(월) ~ 08.24.(금)(4박5일)
3) 장 소: 서울유스호스텔(서울시 중구 소재)
4) 주최/후원: 유네스코한국위원회 / 교육과학기술부
5) 참여인원: 전체 약 200여명(예정)
- 강연자/Faciliator: 관련분야 국내(외) 전문가 및 활동가 10여명
- 청년참가자: 18 ~ 30세 국내(외) 청년 60여명
- 일반참가자: 100여명(8월 21일 공개세미나 시 참가)
6) 사용언어: 영어
7) 주요 프로그램: 공개강연, 전체/분과 회의, 현장방문, 참가자교류 프로그램 등
나. 외국인 참가자 모집
1) 대 상
- 만 18 ~ 30세 외국 국적 소유자
- 사전준비 포함하여 전 행사일정 참가 가능한 자
2) 모집인원: 약 40명
3) 지원방법: 지원서(붙임 양식)작성 후, 7월 22일(일) 24:00까지 이메일(youth@unesco.or.kr)접수
4) 합격자 발표: 2012.07.30.(월) / 이메일로 개별통보 함
5) 선발기준
- 주제에 대한 관심과 이해도
- 적극적인 포럼 참여의지 및 성실성
- 포럼 주제 관련 활동 경험 유무
- 영어 의사 소통 능력
6) 참가비: 없음(행사기간 중 주최 측에서 숙식제공)
7) 기타사항: 포럼 수료시, 유네스코한국위원회 사무총장 명의 수료증 발급
8) 문의처: 유네스코 국제청년포럼 담당자
(Tel: 82-2-6958-4158 / E-mail: hswookie@unesco.or.kr)
International Youth Forum on
Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
In recent decades, while Europe and other parts of the world have been rapidly strengthening regional cooperation and integration, East Asia confronts barriers in advancing this goal. Many countries in East Asia have yet to settle territorial and historical disputes with neighboring regions, as the pernicious issue of contested history continues to paralyze on-going efforts to build mutual understanding and trust.
The Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) has organized a series of expert-level international forums on historical reconciliation. This year’s Youth Forum is an extension of such efforts to promote historical dialogues among the youth. The International Youth Forum will serve as a platform for individuals from various backgrounds to share their ideas and inspirations on relevant historical issues, so as to contribute to historical reconciliation and better prepare youths to understand and (cohabitate/collaborate) with others in the global community.
To explore new visions and ideas for historical reconciliation in East Asia, with particular regard to the role of youths
To promote understanding of achievements and challenges of historical reconciliation efforts in East Asia and other regions
To raise public awareness on the significance of youth’s participation for historical reconciliation
Date & Venue
20-24 August 2012 / Seoul Youth Hostel, Seoul, Korea
60 individuals between age 18-30 (20 within Korea and 40 overseas applicants).
- Priority will be given to individuals directly involved in historical reconciliation activities in their respective countries.
- Participants should be proficient in English in order to give presentations and join discussions.
10 renowned scholars and experts providing lectures and moderating breakout sessions
Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Main Theme & Sub-themes
Voice of the Youth for Historical Understanding beyond Borders and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
- Sub-theme 1: Identifying Historical Minority The current status and challenges of
historical minorities in each society
- Sub-theme 2 : Historical Education for Historical Reconciliation – Rewriting a
Common History Textbook by the Youth
- Sub-theme 3 : Shared Culture in Daily Lives and Its Role for Historical Reconciliation
21 August: Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Korean and English.
20, 22-24 August: English only.
Financial Arrangements
No participation fee
Food, accommodation, and local transportation during the forum will be provided. (Each room will be shared by 6-10 participants during the forum.)
Traveling costs will be borne by individuals. (KNCU is only able to offer a limited number of scholarships to selected candidates from least developed countries or for speakers upon request.)
All applicants must complete the Application Form and send it to KNCU by e-mail (youth@unesco.or.kr) NO LATER THAN 22 July 2012. (KNCU will notify its decision on selected participants by 30 July 2012 via E-mail)
A certificate of attendance will be awarded by KNCU to participants who satisfactorily complete the forum.
이와 관련 참가자를 아래와 같이 모집한다 하오니 외국인 유학생들의 많은 참가 바랍니다.
- 아 래 -
가. 행사개요
1) 주 제: 청년역사대화 국경을 넘는 역사인식과 동아시아 역사화해
2) 기 간: 2012.08.20.(월) ~ 08.24.(금)(4박5일)
3) 장 소: 서울유스호스텔(서울시 중구 소재)
4) 주최/후원: 유네스코한국위원회 / 교육과학기술부
5) 참여인원: 전체 약 200여명(예정)
- 강연자/Faciliator: 관련분야 국내(외) 전문가 및 활동가 10여명
- 청년참가자: 18 ~ 30세 국내(외) 청년 60여명
- 일반참가자: 100여명(8월 21일 공개세미나 시 참가)
6) 사용언어: 영어
7) 주요 프로그램: 공개강연, 전체/분과 회의, 현장방문, 참가자교류 프로그램 등
나. 외국인 참가자 모집
1) 대 상
- 만 18 ~ 30세 외국 국적 소유자
- 사전준비 포함하여 전 행사일정 참가 가능한 자
2) 모집인원: 약 40명
3) 지원방법: 지원서(붙임 양식)작성 후, 7월 22일(일) 24:00까지 이메일(youth@unesco.or.kr)접수
4) 합격자 발표: 2012.07.30.(월) / 이메일로 개별통보 함
5) 선발기준
- 주제에 대한 관심과 이해도
- 적극적인 포럼 참여의지 및 성실성
- 포럼 주제 관련 활동 경험 유무
- 영어 의사 소통 능력
6) 참가비: 없음(행사기간 중 주최 측에서 숙식제공)
7) 기타사항: 포럼 수료시, 유네스코한국위원회 사무총장 명의 수료증 발급
8) 문의처: 유네스코 국제청년포럼 담당자
(Tel: 82-2-6958-4158 / E-mail: hswookie@unesco.or.kr)
International Youth Forum on
Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
In recent decades, while Europe and other parts of the world have been rapidly strengthening regional cooperation and integration, East Asia confronts barriers in advancing this goal. Many countries in East Asia have yet to settle territorial and historical disputes with neighboring regions, as the pernicious issue of contested history continues to paralyze on-going efforts to build mutual understanding and trust.
The Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) has organized a series of expert-level international forums on historical reconciliation. This year’s Youth Forum is an extension of such efforts to promote historical dialogues among the youth. The International Youth Forum will serve as a platform for individuals from various backgrounds to share their ideas and inspirations on relevant historical issues, so as to contribute to historical reconciliation and better prepare youths to understand and (cohabitate/collaborate) with others in the global community.
To explore new visions and ideas for historical reconciliation in East Asia, with particular regard to the role of youths
To promote understanding of achievements and challenges of historical reconciliation efforts in East Asia and other regions
To raise public awareness on the significance of youth’s participation for historical reconciliation
Date & Venue
20-24 August 2012 / Seoul Youth Hostel, Seoul, Korea
60 individuals between age 18-30 (20 within Korea and 40 overseas applicants).
- Priority will be given to individuals directly involved in historical reconciliation activities in their respective countries.
- Participants should be proficient in English in order to give presentations and join discussions.
10 renowned scholars and experts providing lectures and moderating breakout sessions
Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Main Theme & Sub-themes
Voice of the Youth for Historical Understanding beyond Borders and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
- Sub-theme 1: Identifying Historical Minority The current status and challenges of
historical minorities in each society
- Sub-theme 2 : Historical Education for Historical Reconciliation – Rewriting a
Common History Textbook by the Youth
- Sub-theme 3 : Shared Culture in Daily Lives and Its Role for Historical Reconciliation
21 August: Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Korean and English.
20, 22-24 August: English only.
Financial Arrangements
No participation fee
Food, accommodation, and local transportation during the forum will be provided. (Each room will be shared by 6-10 participants during the forum.)
Traveling costs will be borne by individuals. (KNCU is only able to offer a limited number of scholarships to selected candidates from least developed countries or for speakers upon request.)
All applicants must complete the Application Form and send it to KNCU by e-mail (youth@unesco.or.kr) NO LATER THAN 22 July 2012. (KNCU will notify its decision on selected participants by 30 July 2012 via E-mail)
A certificate of attendance will be awarded by KNCU to participants who satisfactorily complete the forum.