멀티스케일기계설계 전공 강의언어 안내
Dear students,
This is to inform you that all the courses in WCU multiscale mechnical design major will be conducted in English.
Below is the course list of 2010 fall semester.
교과목번호(course number) / 교과목명(Course Title) / 담당교수(Professor)
4461.532 / 나노-연속체브릿징해석(Nano-continuum Bridging Analysis) / 조맹효(Maenghyo Cho)
4461.512 / 멀티스케일 복사(Multiscale Radiation) / 이준식(Joonsik Lee)
4461.524 / 멀티크스케일 유도초음파해석및 응용(Multiscale guided wave analysis and applications) / 김윤영(Yoonyoung Kim)
4461.525 재료역학및마이크로재료설계(Mechanics of Materials and Design of Microstructure)
/ 전누리(Noo Li Jeon)
4461.546 / 나노복합재료의 제작 및 평가(Fabrication and Evaluation of Nano Composites) / Brian L. Wardle
This is to inform you that all the courses in WCU multiscale mechnical design major will be conducted in English.
Below is the course list of 2010 fall semester.
교과목번호(course number) / 교과목명(Course Title) / 담당교수(Professor)
4461.532 / 나노-연속체브릿징해석(Nano-continuum Bridging Analysis) / 조맹효(Maenghyo Cho)
4461.512 / 멀티스케일 복사(Multiscale Radiation) / 이준식(Joonsik Lee)
4461.524 / 멀티크스케일 유도초음파해석및 응용(Multiscale guided wave analysis and applications) / 김윤영(Yoonyoung Kim)
4461.525 재료역학및마이크로재료설계(Mechanics of Materials and Design of Microstructure)
/ 전누리(Noo Li Jeon)
4461.546 / 나노복합재료의 제작 및 평가(Fabrication and Evaluation of Nano Composites) / Brian L. Wardle